In the context of English law, A Dictionary of Law offers the following legal concept of synallagmatic contract: (bilateral treaty, synallagmatic contract) Almost identically, the Louisiana Civil Code of 2008 provides in § 1908: A purchase contract is a classic example in which one party provides money and the other provides goods or services;...Read More
Hi, I`m renting my apartment this summer, but I don`t know where to find forms to do it? The Nazi site I visited is more or less just landlord forms, with very little for the tenant. Has anyone ever been to this rabbit hole with some advice to give? Documents that the landlord can...Read More
If another offer is received by the Seller within the time limit, the Seller may request the Buyer to delete the clause. If the buyer agrees, the seller can then accept another offer. This can lead to better conditions for the seller. The buyer can also stick to the original terms of the contract...Read More
CdSS has signed a contract with the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FoundationCCC), which will be responsible for sending scholarships to PPPs and daycares. Child care providers who are usually paid through a PPA will receive their bursary directly from that APP. Daycares receive your cheque from the CCC Foundation. Those who provide subsidized...Read More
Ex 1.2.2 For each pair of points $A(x_1.y_1)$ and $B(x_2.y_2)$ you will find (i) $Delta x$ and $Delta y$ in the direction of $A$ to $B$, (ii) the slope of the line connecting $A$ and $B$, (iii) the equation of the line connecting $A$ and $B$ in the form $y=mx+b$, (iv) the distance from...Read More
Companies with multiple locations have unique and sometimes difficult requirements for communication and connectivity. Sometimes these unique needs create opportunities to create efficiencies and cost reductions through the use of technologies that enable service consolidation. While in other cases, the requirements lead to a very complex network architecture. Whether you`re trying to provide voice,...Read More
Due to the importance of customer secrecy, the obligation to warn and protect only applies in certain circumstances. For a social worker to have the right to violate confidentiality, the client must have posed a specific and immediate threat to an identifiable person. For example, if a client tells the social worker that they...Read More
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