Cookie Policy

This “Cookie Policy” includes information regarding the cookies available on website of Türkiye Radyo Televizyon Kurumu (”TRT”).

What are Cookies?

Cookie is a file required for a website to recognize users on their future visits to the website. This file is associated with and esspecially for the user and the website defining the code and is commonly used to ensure the functioning or more efficient functioning of the websites and to help with the provision of the reporting details and customization of the services or advertisements. It can only be read by the web server defining the code and is not a virus. It saves time for the users and automatically remembers and repeats the answers given to the digital platforms with which they are registered, on their future visits. They are generally files that are recorded when the users visit websites and online services. They are also commonly used for helping with the provision of the reporting details and customization of the services or advertisements.   

I can call myself a gamer, but from time to time, I like to play something. The most I like shooters, and racing games, but I’m always open to something new and interesting. Not a long time ago, a friend of mine recommended me Balloon Race live, and since then, the game has been one of those I play the most often. It’s a very interesting and catchy one, and I can’t spend hours there without getting bored.

Purposes of Use of Cookies

Mandatory cookies, technical cookies, verification cookies, targeting/advertisement cookies, personalization cookies and analytical cookies can be used on digital platforms depending on the purpose of use. Permanent cookies can be used depending on the duration in which users and/or visitors are active and the purpose of use. All cookies used on our website are mandatory cookies required for the functioning of the website.

Mandatory Cookies: 
Use of certain Cookies is mandatory for the proper functioning of our website. These cookies are collected for the following general purposes:

  • To perform a visit analysis and increase visiting performance of website and digital platforms of TRT.
  • To analyze the requests of users and visitors and to ensure the configuration of performance settings and satisfaction of visitor requests
  • To increase national and international functionality of the website and the digital platform
  • To facilitate the achievement by the visitors of their goals during their use. 

 The special purposes regarding cookies are given in the following table.

Legal Ground for Collecting Cookies

The cookies are processed in accordance with the following data processing conditions among the personal data processing conditions listed under the article 5 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698: “The data processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject are not harmed” and “It is necessary to process the personal data of parties to a contract, provided that the processing is directly related to the execution or performance of the contract”.        

Use of Cookies

Users and/or viewers can personalize their preferences regarding all cookies by changing the cookie use preferences on the digital platforms of TRT. However, for certain cookies which are mandatory for the functioning of the websites and digital platforms, users and/or viewers do not have a choice and their requests cannot be managed in this respect. If disabled, some cookies prevent various functions of our website and all of our digital platforms, and therefore, we would like to inform you that our website or digital platforms may not function if you prefer to disable them.

How Can I Control the Use of Cookies?

You have the opportunity to customize your preferences in relation to the cookies by modifying your browser settings. Please visit the links on the following table for further information:

Adobe Analytics
Google Adwords
Google Analytics
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
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