6. CONSIDERING that the UNION is duly accredited as a single and exclusive collective bargaining actor for all ordinary non-academic employees of the Department within the meaning of Article II; CONSIDERING that the Department and the UNION have mutually agreed to promote a work environment conducive to a harmonious relationship between them, a partnership that improves the well-being and productivity of workers, and a relationship that contributes to an effective and efficient public service; THEREFORE, the Parties agree and undertake for and taking into account the foregoing and the provisions set out herein as follows: 39 IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING PLAN ARTICLE VIII IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING PLAN Section 1. For the proper implementation of this CNA, a union-administrative coordination committee is hereby established, composed of three (3) representatives of each party. The following tasks and responsibilities are the tasks and responsibilities of the Committee: to monitor the implementation of this collective agreement and to report conflicts or problems in its implementation in central, regional, departmental and school offices throughout the country. Recommend solutions to any controversy or conflict arising from the interpretation and/or application of this Agreement. 3 WITNESS: CONSIDERING that the DepEd-NEU with the DepEd-NEU issued on August 14, 2009 by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (DOLE) – Public Service Commission (CSC) with certificate of accreditation No. 862 of 28. August 2012 is duly accredited as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining agent for all ordinary non-academic employees of the Department within the meaning of Article II; 21 – Article 8. The MINISTRY recognizes the right of the UNION to collect an agency fee, a reasonable contribution proportional to the dues and other dues paid by the members of the UNION, deducted from non-union members benefiting from the provisions of the collective agreement, without the individual written consent of non-union members covered by CNA who benefit from the implementation of this agreement, is mandatory. In order to identify the members of the UNION of non-members of the UNION, the UNION shall publish an updated list of members valid on 31 March 2013 and quarterly thereafter. The Department transfers the collection to the Treasurer of the UNION via the national bank account of the UNION within fifteen (15) working days following the accounting year in which the deductions were made. Provided that the net remuneration of an employee is not less than the amount provided for by law. EU: bilateral agreements between Member States.
International agreements previously concluded between Member States and third countries Article 351 Rights of the TFEU. 41 VALIDITY AND CONTINUITY CLAUSE ARTICLE X VALIDITY AND CONTINUITY CLAUSE Section 1. VALIDITY This AGREEMENT shall enter into force upon signature by the Parties and ratification by a majority of non-academic employees of the Department and shall remain in full force and effect for a period of three (3) years. Section 2. RenEgotiation The two parties agree to meet no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the expiration of this Agreement to negotiate a new agreement governing the parties. Subject to respect for the rights of the other Party during the period of freedom, the provisions of this Agreement, including any amendments or additions thereto, shall remain in force until a new collective agreement has been concluded and implemented by the Parties. 5 It guarantees the right of all workers to self-organization, collective bargaining and negotiation, as well as to peaceful and concerted activities, including the right to strike in accordance with the law. They have the right to property, decent working conditions and decent wages. They also participate in political decision-making and decision-making processes that affect their rights and benefits, to the extent provided for by law […].