Basic Services Agreement Network Rail

Detailed guidelines for the Asset Protection Agreement and the Basic Asset Protection Agreements are being developed and will be available shortly. They were developed and revised after extensive consultations with industry, clients and stakeholders. Many of these documents are well-established models and codes of conduct for removing barriers. Some will be revised to include service levels and other recommended improvements. They aim to reduce the need for time-consuming negotiations on contractual arrangements for each system and to create transparency in payments to Network Rail. We strive to find solutions that remove barriers to entry by providing a more cost-effective and efficient contractual framework. For more information, see our Investing in the Network guide, which is part of our Code of Conduct for Stakeholders. Note: Missing numbers refer to retired models. We believe that our series of standard contracts reflects a reasonable allocation of risks and responsibilities between the parties and that these contracts save us, our suppliers and contractors management time in setting up and managing contracts. We intend to always engage our contractors and suppliers on the basis of standard contracts. .

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