How to Fill anti Ragging Form Online

If you do not have an email address, please create one before filling out this form. Commom e-mail addresses of the college or internet café, etc. are not accepted. Please create your own email ID before proceeding. If this is the case, please add to your safe senders list. 1. If your mother, father or guardian does not have a phone, mobile phone or email address, please provide the phone numbers/email addresses of their friends, relatives or neighbours. 2. If you do not have a mobile phone number, please provide your friend`s mobile phone number at the university. Sometimes, emails generated by the system from different mail servers are treated as spam. So, if you do not receive the email with online Anti-Ragging Affidavits, please check your spam folder. It can be there.

If this is the case, please add to your safe senders list. Please forward the email received to your university authority… .

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