Stipend Contract Language

CdSS has signed a contract with the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FoundationCCC), which will be responsible for sending scholarships to PPPs and daycares. Child care providers who are usually paid through a PPA will receive their bursary directly from that APP. Daycares receive your cheque from the CCC Foundation. Those who provide subsidized child care through CalWORK`s Stage One/Bridge program and receive their payments directly from the county also©receive their cheque from the CCC Foundation. Please enter your tax information on this W-9 form. The form is secure and your personal data will be treated confidentially. Si necesita ayuda, llame a la lãnea directa de foundation for California Community Colleges al 866-470-6792 The CDSS signs a contract with the Foundation for Community Colleges (FoundationCCC) to send scholarships to APCs and daycares. Contractors who have a Bridge, CalWORK`s Stage One, C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CFCC or CMAP contract offer one scholarship per child directly to child care facilities. CCHT, CMIG or CHAN contractors who enroll children in daycare in a Family Child Care Home Education Network (CFCC) network will award one bursary per child to all CCCB providers. Otherwise, entrepreneurs cctr, cmig and chan will retain the scholarship allocation for covid-19 pandemic assistance.

Esta pã¡gina se dirige a los administradores de subvenciones de cuidado infantil y proporciona información sobre los procesos, reglamentos y polãticas contractuales del Departamento de Servicios Sociales de California (CDSS). In the first payment period following the ratification of the 2016-2019 contract, residents will receive lump sum payments in the following amount: Contractors who are required to distribute scholarships to suppliers will receive an additional allocation of five percent of the total scholarship allocation for administrative costs. The one-time bursary amount per child of $600 per child awarded by a contractor to a supplier cannot be reduced. El proveedor califica para un estipendio de $600 por niã±o si en marzo de 2021 sirviã³ a niã±os que recibãan cuidado subvencionado por medio de cualquiera de los siguientes programas: Section 5. For resident educational institutions for which the University does not have exclusive operational authority, the wording of this Agreement does not replace the institution`s own practices. Policies or practices in non-university controlled facilities will be an appropriate topic for discussion with the House Staff Advisory Committee. The University will work with the operators of these non-academic facilities to promote practices consistent with this Agreement and the recommendations of the House Staff Advisory Committee. Child registration information (CCD-801A) in the CDMIS is used to determine scholarship allocations for the CalWORKs Stage One (APP), CCTR, CFCC, CHAN and CMIG programs. Se usarã n los datos de inscripciãn que se encuentran en el sistema de información en lÃnea de CalWORKs/APP para determinar la distribución de estipendios entre las Etapas 2 y 3 de CalWORKs y los programas de CAPP y CMAP.

El CDSS tambiãnesté¡ colaborando condados, CalWIN, CalSAWS y los APP para recopilar datos sobre la inscripciã³n de niños a fin de determinar cómo se distribuirã¡n los estipendios entre la Etapa Uno de CalWORKs y el Programa Bridge. 7. Effect of the stay on eligibility on board. Leave for any reason may affect a resident`s eligibility for board certification. Program directors inform residents of their program policies in this regard, which determine the impact of the leave on eligibility for accreditation by the appropriate board. Residents must meet all program requirements related to clinical education, didactics, scientific activities, and other program programs. Residents are not allowed to accumulate vacations or vacations to shorten the overall duration of the training. If an approved leave affects the training time required for certification, the resident will receive sufficient additional training to meet the certification requirements. During this additional training, the resident receives sufficient additional training to meet the certification requirements. During this additional training, the resident continues to receive a salary/scholarships and benefits at the level of the year of training he or she completes.

The completion date on the resident`s graduation certificate reflects the additional training time. If your organization is eligible for scholarship funding, you should have received an email from the CDSS with detailed instructions on how to access this funding. This home page for entrepreneurs contains information for child care grant administrators about the California Department of Human Services` contracting process, regulations, and policies. Si usted es un proveedor de cuidado infantil y desea mã¡s informaciã³n sobre estos estipendios, por favor, visite la pã¡gina web: Estipendios para proveedores de cuidado infantil. A resident who is appointed chief resident may receive an additional salary or bursary supplement of $150 per month during the appointment period. Fiscal Year 2021-22 Changes to the Custody and Development Contract: The purpose of this letter is to provide information on changes to custody and development contracts for fiscal year 2021-22 Nothing in this agreement may violate the provisions of federal or state grants or contracts. Si hay contratistas de CMIG que operan un programa para migrantes de temporada, pero no operaron en marzo de 2021, ellos recibirã¡n un estipendio basado en el último mes en que prestaron servicios antes de marzo de 2021. During part of their training period, residents may be appointed to a position funded by a training grant or other source. During this period, residents will receive a salary/scholarship equal to the salary/scholarship rate set for their year of study according to the UW GME scholarship plan. No income tax may be withheld from salaries or scholarships received under certain grants.

The impact on taxation and benefits may vary, as described in the UW GME`s Allowance and Additional Remuneration Policy. Webinario sobre el estipendio para proveedores de cuidado infantil: CalWORK`s Stage One and Bridge Program Child care providers who receive county child care payments receive their check directly from the CCC Foundation. These scholarship cheques were sent out on September 16. Scholarship payments are taxable. Please enter your tax information using this W-9 form. The form is secure and your personal data will be treated confidentially. If you need help, please call the FoundationCCC Helpline at 866-470-6792. The funding conditions for the 2021-2022 fiscal year include a new section on the Act respecting the improvement of early childhood care and education system in accordance with section 19.5 of the Education Code (EDC) [Sections 8430-8439.8]. While EDC`s section 8436 provides that an accredited supplier organization may claim deductions from grant payments from its contributing members, there is no automatic deduction process for contributions and there is no obligation for contractors to initiate or operationalize the deduction of contributions at that time.

The California Department of Social Services will issue guidelines if and when a contribution deduction is required. If you have any questions, please contact the Community College Foundation: Email: If you are a child care provider, please visit our Scholarships for Child Care Facilities page for more information on scholarships. .

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