
January 25, 2022
The Indian Contract Act of 1872 can be interpreted as covering all possible types of agreements and contracts. In some cases, however, it depends on the facts and circumstances whether an agreement is a contract or not. In short, all legally enforceable agreements become contracts. This concludes that there may be agreements that are...
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What happens at the end of the contract depends in part on the type of agreement you have signed. If you have a lease option agreement and want to buy the property, you`ll likely need to get a mortgage (or other financing) to pay the seller in full. 8. Software License. Unless there is...
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The confidentiality agreement (also known as a “non-disclosure agreement” or “NDA”) provides that the recipient of the protected information will keep the information strictly confidential and will use the information only for the purpose of assessing whether or not to enter into a business relationship with you. The key to this agreement is that...
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